It is very important that you prepare well for your interview. We advise you to talk through the interview with your Searchworks consultant as close to the interview as possible. The following guidelines will also help to prepare you in good time and can be used as a checklist.
You will receive information from Searchworks on the position you are being interviewed for and the firm. Make sure you digest this material thoroughly and take note of any questions you have, to run through with your consultant prior to interview.
Research the firm's website. This is a great way to pick up profiles on Partners as well as areas of expertise for the firm and their latest news.
What you wear is not only a confidence booster to you, but will have a huge impact on the first impression you make. We always advise candidates to wear classic corporate wear a dark suit, plain shirt/blouse and minimal jewellery will create a groomed and polished air.
To ensure you are as calm as possible, plan your route well before the day and don't forget your map and their telephone number. Plan to arrive with 10 minutes to spare so that you can take a few minutes to relax and get your bearings.
Before you enter the reception area, remember to turn off your mobile phone!
Commonly Asked Interview Questions
Make sure that you read through your CV prior to your interview and take some time to think about what has motivated you so far in your career. What makes you a good employee and team player? Why would you be the best person for this role? You will be asked questions based on this information, such as:
Why are you seeking to leave your current firm?
Why do you want to work at this firm?
What is it about this position/area of accountancy that particularly interests you?
Tell us about your experience to date.
What do you find difficult about your current position?
What are your main strengths and do you feel you have any weaknesses? (To sound more positive here, describe a former weakness which you have found a way to overcome. Or, try to describe a weakness which would be overcome by working at the new firm, e.g. lack of exposure to a particular area of work)
Describe a problem encountered and how you resolved it.
Where do you see yourself in five years time?
What do you enjoy most about the work you do?
Questions to Ask at Interview
It is important to show enthusiasm at interview and also find out not only if you are suited to the position but also if it is suited to you. You may have formed some questions to ask when you were doing your research but here are some other questions you may feel comfortable asking:
What is the reason you are recruiting for this position?
Could you describe a typical day in this role?
Do you have some company information I can take away with me?
What is the current set up of the department I will be working in?
What is the next stage in this interview process?
Do you feel I may be suitable for this position?
What are the firm's plans for the future?
The Golden Rules of Interviewing
Probably the most important aspect of your interview is how you conduct yourself. You are aiming to appear professional, enthusiastic, helpful and willing. Try and relax, you are not trying to hide anything so donšt worry about "being caught out". There are no hidden agendas to interviews!
Always try to avoid being critical or answering questions negatively. Give positive reasons for your motivations.
Try and steer away from salary issues but if asked then "market rate" is a safe answer.
If asked a technical question you don't know the answer to, never guess. Explain that whilst you cannot answer that question off the top of your head you are confident that in a working environment you would know where to go to solve this problem; by asking a colleague, using online help facilities, etc. It may also be prudent to add that you are a very fast learner.
If asked a difficult question you are not prepared for, do not panic and do not be afraid to take some time to think before giving an answer.
First impressions are extremely important and you must remember your body language, most importantly do not fidget, maintain eye contact, give a firm handshake and do not be afraid to smile!
If you have any questions on any of these suggestions or would like to go over them in more detail then give any of the Searchworks consultants a call.